Who are you searching for?
If you’re looking for independent living in the Silvis area, our local senior living advisors can help you each step of the way. From affordable independent living for seniors to luxury options, we’ll work with you to understand the cost of independent living in Silvis. From there, we’ll show you the best independent living communities for your lifestyle, interests, and budget.
Discover unique independent living amenities, social activities, dining, and more independent living benefits. With 51 independent living facilities in Silvis, A Place for Mom makes it easier to find your new, maintenance-free home.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Davenport, Davenport or East Moline.
Types of care available in Silvis, IL
Independent Living
I have lived at The Fort Armstrong for almost 5 years and do not regret my choice in moving here. I enjoy the live music and outings we go on.
This place has been great so far! Mom was so worried about moving to an "old folks home", but after seeing how friendly everyone is and what a nice community they've got going here she loves it! She's only been there a little over a month, but she got birthday cards from so many people in the community, some she hadn't even met yet! They have all sorts of activities, and they do monthly potlucks and some reasonably priced in-house dinners. Tracy, the manager here, is one of the friendliest and most outgoing people I've ever met!
The original staff is a 5. The staff has changed and they're in the middle of changing so I can't rate the new people until I get to know them better. It would be nice if they had a loading dock for when people move in but I guess that's the way the building was designed so there's not much you can do about it. My mom has been doing all kinds of stuff. I know they have dinners and get togethers. She's joining in on a lot of that so that's great. It's giving her stuff to do.
2380 Tech Drive, Bettendorf, IA 52722
Designed for persons: 62+ Enjoy the perks of living at Spruce Hills Village. Situated in a quiet residential neighborhood, yet conveniently located near shopping and clinics. This one bedroom apartment community has renovated apartments, planned social activities, on-site library, indoor mail...
53rd and Middle St, Bettendorf, IA 52722
53rd and Middle St, Bettendorf, IA 52722
985 Lincoln Road Suite 300, Bettendorf, IA 52722
985 Lincoln Road Suite 300, Bettendorf, IA 52722
3939 53rd Ave, Bettendorf, IA 52722
3939 53rd Ave, Bettendorf, IA 52722
2200 1st St A, Moline, IL 61265
2200 1st St A, Moline, IL 61265
2350 1st Street Ct # 11, Moline, IL 61265
1021 E 10th Street, Davenport, IA 52803
St. Katherine's Apartments is a senior housing community located in beautiful Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. Our peaceful neighborhood is located near the Mississippi River and is surrounded by at least four picturesque parks. Situated between Chicago and Des Moines, Davenport is a convenient...
3320 Spring Street, Davenport, IA 52807
Like this a lot. Allow pets, 62+, great amenities.
Designed for persons: 62+ Spring Village is an affordable apartment community located in a quiet residential neighborhood in Davenport. Come and enjoy the great benefits of living here. Spring Village is close to grocery shopping, clinics and banks, and has planned social activities, on-site...
1810 E 38th St, Davenport, IA 52807
Designed for persons: 62+ Luther Towers is a bit of nature in the city. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac with easy access to area shops, banks and clinics. This community has planned social activities and a service coordinator to assist with individual needs. In addition the apartment community is a...
1810 E 38th St, Davenport, IA 52807
Designed for persons: 62+ Luther Towers is a bit of nature in the city. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac with easy access to area shops, banks and clinics. This community has planned social activities and a service coordinator to assist with individual needs. In addition the apartment community is a...
1900 6th Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201
1900 6th Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201
110 Taylor Drive, Port Byron, IL 61275
110 Taylor Drive, Port Byron, IL 61275
5605 Jersey Ridge Road, Davenport, IA 52807
We moved my mom into Jersey Ridge Place 2 years ago. It was the best decision we have ever made. She was at home and lonely and was starting to get pretty forgetful. After about 2 months at Jersey Ridge...
Life at Jersey Ridge Place is more interesting! Jersey Ridge Place is designed to nurture your spirit and senses. The schedules and activities are centered around your desires. You will have the opportunity to remain both physically and mentally active; and have a great time with your fellow...
5600 Jersey Ridge Road, Davenport, IA 52807
5600 Jersey Ridge Road, Davenport, IA 52807
401 W 3rd St, Davenport, IA 52801
My dad is pretty independent so I don't know about the care services and I haven't heard anything about the activities. They're very friendly and helpful and they seem very concerned. We had to work through...
2025 E 1st St, Milan, IL 61264
901 W 15th St, Davenport, IA 52804
Everything here has been excellent. I’m actually kind of jealous of my Aunt’s apartment. It has high ceilings, hardwood flooring, and a washer and dryer in the unit. The cable and the internet are bundled...
The Taylor RenaissanceThe Taylor Renaissance is a gorgeous senior apartment complex located in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa. With a vibrant city life, and a secure building, The Taylor Renaissance is an excellent choice for your new home. Davenport is a busy but friendly city that is always...
1420 W 16th St, Davenport, IA 52804
I’ve been at The Jackson Renaissance for about a month now, and so far, I’m very pleased. The apartment itself is just wonderful, I’m very happy. It’s a two bedroom plan with washer and dryer in unit,...
The Jackson RenaissanceThe Jackson Renaissance is located in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa one of the largest cities along the Mississippi. The city is full of activities and events providing opportunities for senior to enjoy their surroundings. The Jackson Renaissance is an ideal living...
The average cost of senior living in Silvis is 2,532 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Oak Grove, IL with an average of 2,434 per month.
Planning ahead can better position you to make good choices for your loved one’s care in the future. But if your aging family member needs care now, there are ways to finance the cost of long-term care through a combination of approaches.
Independent living offers a stress-free lifestyle for older adults. Independent living communities don’t provide personal care or supervision, but do offer generally healthy adults opportunities for socialization and hassle-free living. Independent living services often include:
Many seniors may be physically and mentally able to live without assistance, but cost of owning a home might be a deterrent to enjoying an otherwise independent lifestyle. Independent Living Communities provide a great alternative. Basic needs such as meal preparation and housekeeping are handled by staff and a calendar of recreational and leisure activities is maintained, allowing residents an opportunity to use their time as they choose, free from daily responsibilities. Along with their daily needs being met, residents can enjoy the opportunity to be among peers, surrounded by others of similar ages and interests. Residents’ quarters consist of private living spaces, each with their own kitchen. The independence of apartment life is still enjoyed, offering opportunities to socialize with guests and visitors in a private and personal setting. While policies differ between locations, many residences allow cats and dogs as well. Nursing and health care services may always be arranged for with independent care providers if desired. There are an assortment of costs and advantages to balance while selecting an independent living community. It is important to figure out if these amenities are covered in your care plan: initial assessment fee, private phone, field trips, Waiting list deposit, transportation, meals, housekeeping, and move-in fee. The amenities associated with independent living include security guards, transportation, healthcare center, fitness center & swimming pool, beauty salon & barber shop, golf course, private rental hall, and concierge services.
The neighborhood where a senior care community is located might have a huge impact on the total price. The total cost of living is a big influence in deciding which care choice is best for you or your loved one’s needs. The rent burden for Silvis is around 16.3% of the average monthly income. Silvis has a median home value of $113,010 and the median cost of rent is $888 per month per month.
In terms of education, 14.4% have a college degree, 6.6% have a graduate degree, and 28.2% have a high-school diploma. In Silvis, 9.2% of the citizens are veterans of the United States armed forces. Demographically, Silvis is 9.8% black, 5.7% mixed race, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 0.2% Asian, 82.5% white, 1.3% other or not specified, 12.4% Hispanic, and 0.4% Native American. Out of the total population of Silvis, 7.9% are widows, 8.2% do not have health insurance, 16.6% live in poverty, and 63.9% participate in the labor force. The current population of Silvis consists of 7,571 people. Silvis has a population density of 683 people per square mile. Out of the total city population, 45.8% are male and 54.2% are female. The median age of Silvis is 39 years old.
The natural beauty of Illinois is ranked 43rd in the nation. There are 199 general hospitals and 383 health centers that provide care for 12,696,123 Illinois residents. The top three hospitals in the state are considered to be Sherman Hospital, Sam Health St. Mary’s Hospital – Centralia, and And Midwestern Region Medical Center. The state of Illinois has a cost of living index of 95.7 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. The state has a grocery index rating of 94.2 and a housing index rating of 87.2. Overall, Illinois ranks 35th in quality of life and 22nd in healthcare compared to other US states.
In terms of diversity, Illinois ranks 10th in the nation and is considered LGBTQ friendly. During the latest presidential election, 39% voted for the Republican candidate while 56% voted for the Democratic candidate. In terms of religious values, 34% of Illinois’s population regularly attend some form of service and there are in total 12,453 different congregations. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-2%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%, with the most common Christian denominations consisting of Evangelical Protestant-20%, Mainline Protestant-16%, and Historically Black Protestant-7%. In Illinois there are 518 masonic lodges. The state has a median age of 38 and 29% of its population being over the age of 55.
The most precipitation occurs in May with an average of 6.02 inches of precipitation a month. On average, the state receives 3.33 inches of precipitation a month. The average air quality index rating in Illinois is 37.7 AQI. The highest seasonal air quality index rating occurs in the month of May with a rating of 54.5 AQI. Illinois experiences an average humidity rating of about 71%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 78% in the month of December. The average temperature in the winter falls to around 28F. During the winter, the average high temperature peaks at around 49F during the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 10F during the month of January. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 73F. The average high summer temperature is around 91F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 53F during the month of June. While residents of Illinois mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Illinois can include floods, earthquakes (moderate), and and tornadoes.
The state of Illinois has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of aromatic aster, black snakeroot, bloodroot, and bird’s foot violet. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the American pygmy shrew, the eastern red bat, the American black bear, or the cougar. The state animal of Illinois is the white-tailed deer.
Brookstone of Aledo, Holiday Palmer Hills and Quartet Senior Living are the top-rated independent living facilities near Silvis, Illinois. See full list of communities.
There are 51 independent living facilities near Silvis, Illinois. See the full list.
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