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If you’re considering moving your loved one into a Cave Spring nursing home, our senior living advisors can help. The term “nursing home” is often used interchangeably with assisted living or other senior housing options; but a nursing home is a skilled nursing facility for individuals with serious, debilitating short- or long-term health issues. So even the best nursing homes in Cave Spring, GA may not be right for seniors who don’t require round-the-clock care.
We can help you determine if a skilled nursing facility in Cave Spring or another care type is right for you. Browse 6 senior living options near you to see the variety available, or contact us to learn more about elderly homes in Cave Spring.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Rome, Rome or Chubbtown.
Types of care available in Cave Spring, GA
My mom has been a resident at Oxton Place for over a year now. She is very happy, never mentions going home and is always smiling when we are there - on an almost daily basis. We visit at different times of they day, see workers providing very sweet care giving services and seeing the ED there at any given time - after hours, weekends, etc. She was there all night with them during a recent weather/snow incident. She's dedicated to providing care to these residents and leaving the family members with a sense of relief. Maybe (some) of the negative comments on this page are from disgruntled employees or family members. Please know all the facts and look at the big picture before saying No to Oxton. It's been a God send to my family!
When my parents first got there, the staff did a great job caring for my parents. When the new management took over there was a decline. I don't think the new staff is doing as well taking care of the residents. The food is good. They have a lot of outdoor space.
The entire staff there provided amazing and wonderful support and service. I couldn't have asked for anything better from the top to the bottom. I feel very lucky to have found such a caring and dedicated staff.My experience was nothing short of excellent.
131 Melissa Ln, Cedartown, GA 30125
Everyone was friendly & cared for my husband exceptionally. Had nurses checking on him every 30 min 24/7. Even cut up food & made sure he ate. Very satisfied with the facility. Sadly, he passed away but...
At Big Springs Village, we help our residents thrive, aid them in their daily routines, and can provide rehabilitation and therapy services through our home health partners. We develop individual care plans to meet the needs of each resident, nursing staff is available 24 hours a day to provide...
402 E Ellawood Ave, Cedartown, GA 30125
They did a good job keeping the community clean. The staff was attentive to my mother and all treated her well. They were very nice to her and made her feel special. They took good care of her and helped her...
Cedar Hill Senior Living is a privately owned personal care facility in Cedartown, Georgia. Our members have over 15 years experience in serving seniors. We are a community that offers safe and secure personalized living plans, memory care and respite care. Our goal is to provide a community with...
44 Alabama Street, Cave Spring, GA 30124
Excellent caring facility. Everyone is treated like family. I would highly recommend this facility.
225 S Philpot St, Cedartown, GA 30125
3126 Cedartown Hwy SW, Rome, GA 30161
148 Cason Rd, Cedartown, GA 30125
Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities, provide long-term care for seniors with significant physical or mental health conditions, and short-term care to people recovering from an injury or hospital stay. Nursing homes provide personal assistance and medical care from licensed professionals. Services in skilled nursing facilities often include:
A nursing home is a community that houses two or more seniors who have no personal relation to the administrator. This type of community provides its residents with around-the-clock care by on-site nurses. These nurses offer care for people who are unable to take care of their own needs because of mental or physical conditions, including age.
This type of community is a helpful and comfortable care choice for persons 65 years or older, however nursing homes will frequently admit individuals 55 and older (a rarity in the realm of senior care).Examples of amenities and services provided at nursing homes might include skilled nursing or medical care, personal care (including dressing, bathing, and toilet assistance), care coordination and case management, and injections. Nursing homes are required to provide pharmaceutical services, a professionallly directed program of activities, nursing and related services, and routine personal hygiene items to residents. As a resident of a nursing home, you can expect the right to form or participate in resident groups, have protections against involuntary transfer or discharge, be free from discrimination, and be free from abuse and neglect. A large number of residents tend to be bachelors or widows with less social support, and almost 50% of nursing home residents are over the age of 85. The most frequent mental disease experienced by residents of nursing homes is dementia, which can hinder their and familiarity, decision making abilities, and memory recall.
The total cost of living is a big influence in determining which destination works for your family. The median home value in Cave Spring is about $111,175 and the median rent is $541 a month. The rent burden for Cave Spring is about 13.3% of the average monthly income.
In Cave Spring, 11.4% of the citizens are veterans. Demographically, Cave Spring is 0.3% other or not specified, 0.0% Asian, 0.6% Hispanic, 1.0% mixed race, 87.1% white, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 0.3% Native American, and 11.2% black. In Cave Spring, 20.7% live in poverty, 49.0% participate in the labor force, 13.8% do not have health insurance, and 26.7% have some form of disability. In terms of education, 10.0% have a graduate degree, 21.1% have a college degree, and 26.8% have a high-school diploma. Currently, the population of Cave Spring consists of 1,141 people. Cave Spring has a population density of 120 people per square mile. Based on gender, 45.9% are male and 54.1% are female. The median age of Cave Spring is 43 years old.
There are 151 general hospitals and 251 health centers that provide care for 10,626,983 Georgia residents. The three highest ranked hospitals in Georgia are Adventhealth Gordon, Wellstar Paulding Hospital, and And Piedmont Columbus Regional Northside. The state of Georgia has a cost of living index of 91.2 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. The state has a grocery index rating of 96.9 and a housing index rating of 73.8. Based on natural beauty, Georgia ranks 20th in the nation. Overall, Georgia ranks 17th out of all states in quality of life and 39th in healthcare.
Forty-two percent of Georgia residents regularly attend a religious service from one of the state’s 12,292 different congregations. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%, with the most common Christian denominations consisting of Evangelical Protestant-38%, Mainline Protestant-12%, and Historically Black Protestant-17%. In Georgia there are 622 masonic lodges. In terms of diversity, Georgia ranks 13th in the nation. In the most recent presidential election, 51% of Georgia residents voted Republican and 46% voted Democrat. The state has a median age of 37 and 26% of its population being over the age of 55.
On average, the state receives 4.17 inches of precipitation a month. The most precipitation occurs in August with an average of 8.46 inches of precipitation a month. During the summer, the average temperature in Georgia is around 79F. The average high summer temperature is around 95F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 57F during the month of June. During the winter, the average temperature in Georgia drops to around 47F. During the winter, the average high temperature peaks at around 70F during the month of February. The average low temperature during the winter drops to around 24F in the month of January. The average air quality index rating in Georgia is 37.8 AQI. The highest seasonal air quality index rating occurs in the month of March with a rating of 43.9 AQI. Georgia experiences an average humidity rating of about 71%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 75% in the month of August. While residents of Georgia mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Georgia can include hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and and earthquakes (moderate).
The state of Georgia has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of palms, flowering quince, scaly-bark, and yellow jasmine. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the eastern diamondback, the salamanders, the bass, or the cottonmouth snakes. The state animal of Georgia is the north Atlantic right whale.
Presbyterian Village of Austell, Canterfield of Kennesaw and Silver Lakes Senior Living are the top-rated nursing homes near Cave Spring, Georgia. See full list of communities.
There are 6 nursing homes near Cave Spring, Georgia. See the full list.
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