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If you’re looking for independent living in the Mentone area, our local senior living advisors can help you each step of the way. From affordable independent living for seniors to luxury options, we’ll work with you to understand the cost of independent living in Mentone. From there, we’ll show you the best independent living communities for your lifestyle, interests, and budget.
Discover unique independent living amenities, social activities, dining, and more independent living benefits. With 26 independent living facilities in Mentone, A Place for Mom makes it easier to find your new, maintenance-free home.
You may also consider nearby communities such as San Bernardino, Moreno Valley or Warner.
Types of care available in Mentone, CA
Independent Living
The front of the door/reception area staff and staff who work directly with clients/residents are wonderful. Great communication, caring, helpful. The staff who applicants work with initially to sign up are wonderful too - communicate quickly and helpful. However, once we signed up there was zero communication. Follow-ups that were promised were not fulfilled. It was disappointing- felt that once we were in the door that level of communication dropped. Administrative staff had poor communication and follow through. When my mother passed and we were trying to wrap up the contract and get a check on the credit her account had, we'd have to call and email multiple times. Phone calls were not returned, emails were unanswered. Housekeeping was consistent and the facility was well stocked. The facility was visually appealing and looked clean and well kept. Move in process: staff members readily available and attentive to answer questions and sign contract. Post contract signing there isn't a dedicated person or department to go to with questions. When we reached out to the employees who worked with us when we initially sign up, emails and phone calls were unanswered. Meals were good and accommodated varying nutritional/dietary needs. Alternative meals available if residents could not or did not like a menu item. An improvement to suggest would be to communicate with families in a timely manner and have a contact point person post initial registration.
The building is always clean and smells nice. Staff is friendly and very attentive to my needs. They always make sure I have what I need. Activities are fun.
Of course, like every place, everything at Westmont Village is not 100%. However, all in all, I still feel like this place is very good and worth what they charge. They have very good programs and a variety of activities. The grounds are beautiful and park-like and the rooms all have a beautiful view. The Desk personnel are very nice and very helpful when I call for information or to check if my packages arrived and are ready for pick up. If the packages are heavy they will have someone deliver them to my room. The Nurses are terrific. I had an emergency situation and called the clinic and then 911. I wasn't on the phone for even 5 minutes before a nurse was at my door. She stayed with me until I left for the hospital. The maintenance Department is great. They are always pleasant and do a good job and always ask if there is anything else you need. The food is good quality. The variety of food is good and the food is very tasty. Most of the servers are very good, but there are a few that need to get some extra training. Housekeeping is my only problem right now, if that gets solved I won't have any complaints or concerns. I am very unhappy with housekeeping, they leave a lot to be desired by cutting corners. For example, my shower has only been cleaned once in the last eight weeks. But I will say that, for the most part, most of the staff are willing to help whether it's their job description or not. I would recommend Westmont Village to others.
The average cost of senior living in Mentone is 2,866 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Moreno Valley, CA with an average of 2,861 per month.
Planning ahead can better position you to make good choices for your loved one’s care in the future. But if your aging family member needs care now, there are ways to finance the cost of long-term care through a combination of approaches.
Independent living offers a stress-free lifestyle for older adults. Independent living communities don’t provide personal care or supervision, but do offer generally healthy adults opportunities for socialization and hassle-free living. Independent living services often include:
An Independent Living Community permits residents the chance to continue to live their active lives while ensuring their care requirements have been met. Residents may live their lives as they wish while their meals are cooked by a professionall chef, housekeeping and laundry duties are handled by staff, and recreational activities are scheduled and organized. Along with their daily needs being met, residents can enjoy an opportunity to be among peers, surrounded by others of similar ages and backgrounds. Typically consisting of a private living area and a full kitchen, these communities offer homes with many of the amenities of apartment life but without the hassle. Guests can be invited over and entertained, and more time can be spent with them with the basic maintenance of daily chores out of the way. While policies differ between communities, many residences allow cats and dogs as well. Nursing and health care services may always be arranged for with independent care providers if desired. There are a number of expenditures and advantages to consider while selecting an independent living community. It is important to figure out if these amenities are covered in the care plan: initial assessment fee, meals, internet access, Waiting list deposit, housekeeping, utilities, field trips, and private phone. The benefits and amenities that pertain to independent living include beauty salon & barber shop, restaurant-style dining hall, transportation, golf course, community activities, fitness center & swimming pool, healthcare center, and game/TV room.
Out of the total city population, 53.0% are female and 47.0% are male. The median age of Mentone is 35 years old. Mentone has a population density of 637 people per square mile. The current population of Mentone consists of 10,129 people. In Mentone, 7.1% do not have health insurance, 64.3% participate in the labor force, 5.3% consider themselves widows, and 10.0% have some form of disability. Of the population of Mentone 24.0% have a college degree, 28.9% have a high-school diploma, and 9.9% have a graduate degree. Demographically, Mentone is 5.8% mixed race, 7.0% other or not specified, 2.6% black, 0.4% Native American, 33.4% Hispanic, 1.8% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 5.6% Asian, and 76.8% white. In Mentone, 6.5% of the population are veterans.
The neighborhood where a care community is located might have a significant influence on the cost of care. The overall cost of living can be a major factor when choosing which community works for your family. The rent burden for Mentone is about 23.5% of the average monthly income. Per month, the median cost of rent in Mentone is about $1,420 and the median home value in Mentone costs around $283,839.
The state of California has a cost of living index of 138.7 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything above 100 is considered more expensive than the average. The state has a grocery index rating of 121.4 and a housing index rating of 227.3. The quality of life enjoyed by the average California citizen is ranked 19th nation-wide. Additionally, California is ranked 7th by healthcare standards. The natural beauty of California is ranked 5th in the nation. The state of California has 391 hospitals and 1,108 health centers, providing care to a population of 39,715,372. The three highest ranked hospitals in California are Mills-peninsula Medical Center, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, and And Santa Monica’s UCLA Medical Center and Orthopedic Hospital.
The state of California ranks 1st in the country for diversity and the state is considered very LGBTQ friendly. In the most recent presidential election, 32% of California residents voted Republican and 62% voted Democrat. In terms of religious values, 31% of California’s population regularly attend some form of service and there are in total 23,558 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-20%, Mainline Protestant-10%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-2%, Buddhist-2%, and Hindu-2%. In California there are 395 masonic lodges. The state has a median age of 37 and 26% of its population being over the age of 55.
California experiences an average humidity rating of about 61%. Humidity levels tend to reach their peak in the month of July at around 81%. On average, California has an air quality index rating of around 57.1 AQI. The average air quality index rating peaks in the month of August with a rating of around 83.0 AQI. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 71F. The average high summer temperature is around 116F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 34F during the month of June. During the winter, the average temperature in California drops to around 47F. The average high winter temperature is around 76F in the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 8F during the month of January. The average amount of precipitation peaks during the month of December at around 16.26 inches. On average, the state receives 2.04 inches of precipitation a month. While residents of California mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in California can include earthquakes (high), floods, and and tornadoes.
The state of California has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of sequoia, California poppy, chamise, and Joshua tree. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the cougars, the snakes, the whales, or the coyotes. The state animal of California is the California grizzly bear.
Villas At San Bernardino, Sunrise of Canyon Crest and Silvergate Retirement Residence - Fallbrook are the top-rated independent living facilities near Mentone, California. See full list of communities.
There are 26 independent living facilities near Mentone, California. See the full list.
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