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16 Nursing Homes Facilities near York, NE

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10 Best Nursing Homes in York, NE

Last Updated: 11/7/24

If you’re considering moving your loved one into a York nursing home, our senior living advisors can help. The term “nursing home” is often used interchangeably with assisted living or other senior housing options; but a nursing home is a skilled nursing facility for individuals with serious, debilitating short- or long-term health issues. So even the best nursing homes in York, NE may not be right for seniors who don’t require round-the-clock care.

We can help you determine if a skilled nursing facility in York or another care type is right for you. Browse 16 senior living options near you to see the variety available, or contact us to learn more about elderly homes in York.

You may also consider nearby communities such as Henderson, Henderson or Knox.

Nursing Homes Facilities near York, NE

Showing 16 communities
Last Updated: 11/7/24
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Hearthstone the Nursing Home

2319 Lincoln Ave, York, NE 68467

1 review
Provides: Assisted Living

Henderson Nursing Home

1631 Front St, Henderson, NE 68371

Provides: Assisted Living

Henderson Nursing Home

1631 Front St, Henderson, NE 68371

Provides: Assisted Living

Crossroads Court Office

1505 P St # 1003, Aurora, NE 68818

Provides: Assisted Living

Pleasant View Retirement Vlg

601 N Nance, Osceola, NE 68651

Provides: Assisted Living

Pleasant View Retirement Vlg

601 N Nance, Osceola, NE 68651

Provides: Assisted Living

Good Samaritan Society - Ridgeview Heights

631 Ridge Street, Osceola, NE 68651

Provides: Assisted Living, Independent Living

Good Samaritan Society - Ridgeview Heights

631 Ridge Street, Osceola, NE 68651

Provides: Assisted Living, Independent Living

Colonial Corner

1405 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818

Provides: Assisted Living

Colonial Corner

1405 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818

Provides: Assisted Living

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Memorial Community Care

1423 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818

1 Photos available
Provides: Assisted Living, Home Care

Memorial Community Care

1423 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818

1 Photos available
Provides: Assisted Living, Home Care

Warren Memorial Hospital

905 2nd St, Friend, NE 68359

1 Photos available
Provides: Assisted Living, Home Care

Sutton Community Home

1106 N Saunders Ave, Sutton, NE 68979

Provides: Assisted Living

Heritage of Geneva

501 N 13th St, Geneva, NE 68361

Provides: Nursing Homes, Assisted Living

Fillmore County Hospital

1325 H St, Geneva, NE 68361

Provides: Assisted Living
Viewing 1-16 out of 16 communities

What are nursing homes?

Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities, provide long-term care for seniors with significant physical or mental health conditions, and short-term care to people recovering from an injury or hospital stay. Nursing homes provide personal assistance and medical care from licensed professionals. Services in skilled nursing facilities often include:

  • Help with personal care
  • Rehabilitation care, including physical and speech therapy
  • Mobility assistance
  • Palliative and hospice care
  • Health care services
  • Complimentary transportation
  • 24-hour care and supervision
Complete guide to nursing homes

York, Nebraska

Nursing Homes

A nursing home is an establishment that houses at least two seniors who have no personal ties to the administrator. A nursing home facility provides its occupants with around-the-clock care by on-site nurses. These nurses provide health related services for seniors who cannot take care of their needs.

Nursing homes can be a helpful and comfortable care choice for persons 65 years or older, however nursing homes will frequently allow individuals 55 and above (a rarity in theworldof senior care).Some services come at an extra cost which can include cosmetic and grooming items, personal clothing, and specially prepared food. A large portion of nursing home residents are persons who experience difficulty with hearing and vision, have a physical or mental disability, have incontinence issues, or require assistance with daily tasks such as getting dressed. A large number of occupants tend to be bachelors or widows with less social support, and almost fifty percent of nursing home residents are over the age of 85. Nursing homes are required to provide specialized rehabilitative services (treatment for mental illness or intellectual disability), emergency dental services, medically-related social services, and dietary services to residents. Examples of amenities and servicesoffered at nursing homes can include care coordination and case management, rehabilitation needed due to injury, disability, or illness, home care (like cooking, cleaning, or help with other daily activities), and help with shopping and transportation.

Local Hospitals and Health Care Providers

Access to medical facilities might be a key factor when choosing the most suitable senior community. The top hospitals that service York include York Hospital, Memorial Hospital, and Oss Orthopaedic Hospital. In total, there are 4 hospitals located in York which offer emergency services and other healthcare.

Cost of Living

The location where a facility is based might have a huge impact on the price of care. Cost of living can be a motivating factor in selecting which destination works for you or your loved one. York has a grocery index rating of around 105.3 and a cost of living index of around 82.6. Index scores are based on a spectrum where 100 is the national average and anything below 100 is cheaper than the national average. The sales tax in York is 6.00%.

Regional Climate and Weather Information

Climate and weather, notably air quality and humidity, can be a major influence in choosing which location is the best fit for you or your loved one. In the summer months, the air temperature in York is about 74F. The low summer temperature drops to about 60F during the month of June. The summer high peaks at roughly 86F in the month of July. In the wintertime, the average temperature in York sinks to approximately 32F. The high winter temperature gets to roughly 42F during the month of January. The lowest winter temperature is around 19 F during the month of February. York has a humid subtropical type of climate. Monthly, York gets about 6 inches of precipitation. The most precipitation usually falls in October with an average of 10 inches during the month. In terms of snow fall York experiences on average 23.20 inches of snow in a year. The average humidity rating for York is roughly 60%. Humidity levels are highest during the month of January at about 65%. On average, the air quality index rating in York is around 58.9. The average air quality conditions are rated as moderate. This means that those who are unusually sensitive should consider limiting the amount of time spent on outdoor exertion. The air quality index rating reaches its highest in December at about 83.8. During this time, the average air quality conditions are rated moderate. This means that those who are unusually sensitive should consider limiting the amount of time spent on outdoor exertion.

Demographics and Values

In terms of Christian denominations, out of the total population of York 8.4% practice Catholicism, 7.9% are Lutherans, and 7.4% practice another Chrisitan faith. In York, 60.5% are nonbelievers. In terms of non-Christian denominations in York, out of the total population 0.2% practice Judaism, 0.0% practice an Eastern religion, and 0.2% practice Islam. Out of the total population of York, 8.6% consider themselves widows, 8.9% do not have health insurance, 12.2% live in poverty, and 13.2% have some form of disability. In York, 8.1% of the citizens are veterans of the United States military. York is considered very friendly to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Out of the total city population, 49.0% are male and 51.0% are female. In York, 19.2% of the population are over the age of 55, 11.2% are over the age of 60, 7.9% are over the age of 70, and 5.9% are over the age of 80. The median age of York is 37 years old. Of the population of York 9.6% have a graduate degree, 25.8% have a high-school diploma, and 32.7% have a college degree. The current population of York consists of 7,726 people and in total the York metro area has a population of 7,862. York has a population density of 507 people per square mile. The current population of York is growing at a rate of 0.001%. In terms of crime, York has 29.2 property crimes per 1000 residents and 10.7 violent crimes per 1000 residents. During the previous presidential election, 32.9% voted Democrat, 5.3% voted for a third party candidate, and 61.8% voted Republican in York county. Racially, the population of York is 0.1% Native American, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 5.4% Hispanic, 2.9% mixed race, 0.6% black, 0.0% Asian, 0.6% other or not specified, and 95.7% white.

State Information

An overview of Nebraska

In terms of resources, Nebraska has a cost of living index of 93.3, a grocery index rating of 95.5, and a housing index rating of 80.9. These index ratings are based on a system where 100 is considered the national average and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. The quality of life enjoyed by the average Nebraska citizen is ranked 9th nation-wide. Additionally, Nebraska is ranked 27th by standards of healthcare. Based on natural beauty, Nebraska ranks 27th in the nation. There are 93 general hospitals and 42 health centers that provide care for 1,941,032 Nebraska residents. Columbus Community Hospital, Chi Health Nebraska Heat, and Methodist Hospital are among the top three highest ranked hospitals in the state.

Social demographics of the state

In terms of diversity, Nebraska ranks 26th in the nation. The state has a median age of 37 and 28% of its population being over the age of 55. Thirty-nine percent of Nebraska residents regularly attend a religious service from one of the state’s 2,860 different congregations. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%, with the most common Christian denominations consisting of Evangelical Protestant-25%, Mainline Protestant-24%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. In Nebraska there are 147 masonic lodges. In the most recent presidential election, 59% of Nebraska residents voted Republican and 34% voted Democrat.

State-wide weather information

The average monthly precipitation for the state of Nebraska is around 2.10 inches. The average amount of precipitation peaks during the month of May at around 5.31 inches. Nebraska experiences an average humidity rating of about 66%. Humidity levels tend to reach their peak in the month of December at around 74%. The average air quality index rating in Nebraska is 31.5 AQI. The average air quality index rating peaks in the month of August with a rating of around 40.9 AQI. During the summer, the average temperature in Nebraska is around 72F. The average high summer temperature is around 92F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 49F during the month of June. The average temperature in the winter falls to around 72F. The average high winter temperature is around 47F in the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 6F during the month of January. While residents of Nebraska mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Nebraska can include tornados, floods, and and earthquakes (high).

Wildlife to be found in Nebraska

The state of Nebraska has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of snow trillium, yellow ladyslipper, columbine, and petunias. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the pronghorns, the monarch,grey hairstreak,and orange sulfur butterflies, the pronghorn sheep, or the peregrine falcons. The state animal of Nebraska is the the white-tailed deer.

Disclosure: A Place for Mom refers to "nursing home" here generally as an umbrella term to include assisted living facilities. It is not used to indicate that the facility meets official state requirements for level of care of a skilled nursing facility, as defined in that particular jurisdiction.

Frequently asked questions

There are 16 nursing homes near York, Nebraska. See the full list.

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