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If you’re looking for independent living in the Leadville area, our local senior living advisors can help you each step of the way. From affordable independent living for seniors to luxury options, we’ll work with you to understand the cost of independent living in Leadville. From there, we’ll show you the best independent living communities for your lifestyle, interests, and budget.
Discover unique independent living amenities, social activities, dining, and more independent living benefits. With 3 independent living facilities in Leadville, A Place for Mom makes it easier to find your new, maintenance-free home.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Leadville North, Leadville North or Stringtown.
Types of care available in Leadville, CO
Independent Living
131 West 12th, Leadville, CO 80461
Mount Massive Manor is a smaller 24 unit assisted living senior residence situated in historic Leadville Colorado. With fantastic views of the Colorado Mountains, and steps from the Mineral Belt trail, we are a perfect place to put your feet up or to get out for some fresh mountain air. We are a...
301 Alsina St, Buena Vista, CO 81211
195 Freestone Rd, Eagle, CO 81631
Carefree living at Castle Peak means you no longer have the worries of home ownership. All housekeeping, personal laundry and flat linens, maintenance, repairs, snow removal and lawn care are done for you. Property taxes and all utilities are paid except phone and cable TV. Castle Peak will also...
The average cost of senior living in Leadville is 2,606 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Buena Vista, CO with an average of 915 per month.
Planning ahead can better position you to make good choices for your loved one’s care in the future. But if your aging family member needs care now, there are ways to finance the cost of long-term care through a combination of approaches.
Independent living offers a stress-free lifestyle for older adults. Independent living communities don’t provide personal care or supervision, but do offer generally healthy adults opportunities for socialization and hassle-free living. Independent living services often include:
Independent Living Communities provide individuals with a nice balance between an independent lifestyle and not having to concern themselves with housekeeping. Basic needs such as meal preparation and housekeeping are handled by staff and a calendar of recreational and leisure activities is maintained, allowing residents the autonomy to use their time as they wish, free from daily responsibilities. Along with their daily needs being met, residents can enjoy an opportunity to live among peers, surrounded by others of similar ages and backgrounds. Residents’ quarters consist of private living spaces, each with their own kitchen. The independence of apartment life is still enjoyed, offering an opportunity to socialize with guests and visitors in a private and personal setting. While policies vary between communities, numerous residences allow cats and dogs as well. Nursing and health care services can always be arranged for with private care providers if desired. There are a number of advantages and expenditures to balance while choosing an independent living community. It is important to learn if these services are included in the care plan: internet access, wellness program, utilities, initial assessment fee, parking, field trips, cable TV, and move-in fee. The benefits and amenities associated with independent living include healthcare center, security guards, game/TV room, beauty salon & barber shop, restaurant-style dining hall, concierge services, private rental hall, and golf course.
Cost of living can be a major factor when selecting what community fits best. The rent burden for Leadville is around 21.9% of the average monthly income. Leadville has a median home value of around $175,810 and the median cost of rent is about $1,060 per month.
In Leadville, 68.4% participate in the labor force, 11.0% have some form of disability, 11.3% do not have health insurance, and 4.5% are widowed. In terms of education, 40.7% have a college degree, 8.4% have a graduate degree, and 25.9% have a high-school diploma. Racially, the population of Leadville is 22.0% Hispanic, 92.8% white, 0.3% mixed race, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 0.0% Native American, 0.3% black, 0.0% Asian, and 6.6% other or not specified. Leadville has a population density of 965 people per square mile. Based on gender, 56.9% are male and 43.1% are female. The median age of Leadville is 39 years old. In Leadville, 5.5% of the population are veterans of the United States military.
There are 92 hospitals and 162 health centers that service a population of 5,776,356. The top three hospitals in the state are considered to be Poudre Valley Hospital, Mercy Regional Medical Center, and Centura Health-Penrose St. Francis Health Services. Overall, Colorado ranks 10th in quality of life and 12th in healthcare compared to other US states. The state of Colorado has a cost of living index of 105.5 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything above 100 is considered more expensive than the average. The state has a grocery index rating of 102.5 and a housing index rating of 119.0. The natural beauty of Colorado is ranked 31st in the nation.
In terms of diversity, Colorado ranks 18th in the nation and is considered LGBTQ friendly. In Colorado, 30% of the population attend some form of religious service and there are 4,188 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-26%, Mainline Protestant-15%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%. In Colorado there are 148 masonic lodges. In the last presidential election 48% of Colorado residents voted Democrat and 43% voted Republican. The state has a median age of 37 and 27% of its population being over the age of 55.
Colorado experiences an average humidity rating of about 54%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 79% in the month of December. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 66F. The average high summer temperature is around 96F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 31F during the month of June. During the winter, the average temperature in Colorado drops to around 26F. During the winter, the average high temperature peaks at around 53F during the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around -8F during the month of January. The most precipitation occurs in April with an average of 4.53 inches of precipitation a month. On average, the state receives 1.32 inches of precipitation a month. On average, Colorado has an air quality index rating of around 44.4 AQI. The highest seasonal air quality index rating occurs in the month of July with a rating of 61.9 AQI. While residents of Colorado mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Colorado can include earthquakes (moderate).
The state of Colorado has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of berry shrubs, conifers thrive, shrubs, and berry shrubs. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the bullhead deers, the mountain lion, the mule deers, or the antelope. The state animal of Colorado is the the rocky mountain bighorn sheep.
Mount Massive Manor Apartments, Sunrise Manor and Castle Peak Senior Life and Rehabilitation are the top-rated independent living facilities near Leadville, Colorado. See full list of communities.
There are 3 independent living facilities near Leadville, Colorado. See the full list.
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