Browse the 11 home care agencies in Grand Island, read 5 reviews of families’ experiences, and learn about available services to find the best home care options near you. Families in Grand Island choose home care for many reasons, including to reduce caregiver stress, curb senior loneliness, and make daily life easier for older adults. Most home care agencies in Grand Island personalize their services to your needs and provide them as frequently or infrequently as needed.
Types of care available in Grand Island, NE
3883 Normal Blvd Suite 206, Lincoln, NE 68506
Right at Home is an in-home care and assistance agency, providing quality senior and disabled persons care nationwide since 1995. We provide trained, insured and bonded caregivers for a variety of needs. Whether it's for extra support after a stay in the hospital, an aging parent who needs...
They're really good. They were really nice people. I thought the cost was very reasonable. They did everything that was required of them and they went a little bit beyond so it was good. My mother has since...
1800 W Pasewalk Ave Suite A, Norfolk, NE 68701
What we like the most about Home Instead - Norfolk, NE is the the overall care provided and the dedication of the staff. We would recommend their services to other families based on the experience we have...
1420 W 2nd St, Hastings, NE 68901
The quality of work & service that Home Instead provided was very good! We just needed more full-time care which were able to get in Gothenburg NE.
1420 W 2nd St, Hastings, NE 68901
The quality of work & service that Home Instead provided was very good! We just needed more full-time care which were able to get in Gothenburg NE.
Inglewood, CA 90301
HELPING HANDS PATIENT SERVICES is a limited liability corporation with a staff of dedicated lift team technicians and support personnel. HHPS’ mission is to provide safe patient handling, improve patient comfort, safety and recovery, and prevent employee injuries through skillful, compassionate...
2309 North Webb Road, Grand Island, NE 68803
2309 North Webb Road, Grand Island, NE 68803
1423 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818
1423 7th St, Aurora, NE 68818
1007 N Jeffers St, North Platte, NE 69101
1007 N Jeffers St, North Platte, NE 69101
Home care may be the right fit for seniors who want to age in place, but who would benefit from companionship, housekeeping, and help with some activities of daily living (ADLs). Home care is broad and personalized to each senior’s needs. In general, home caregivers may provide:
Home health aide service consists of a variety of different services administered in your family’s home. This type of care can provide various medical services such as opening container lids, assistance in removing medication from container for those residents with a physical disability, and retrieving medication from secured storage. Home care offers a number of services including tracheostomy care, housekeeping, and laundry. Most home care services screen potential seniors prior to admission. This screening might include weight/nutritional status, skin problems, and ADLs abilities. Furthermore, care services may involve companionship and rehabilitative services. Assistive home care may also afford your family member help with assistance managing tasks and with meal preparation. Finally, companion care can support your loved one with health services like assistance with ambulation and monitoring vitals.
In total, there is one hospital located in Grand Island which offer emergency services and other healthcare. The top hospitals in Grand Island include CHI HEALTH ST FRANCIS.
Grand Island has a sales tax of 5.50%. The cost-of-living index for Grand Island is 88.7 where a rating of 100 is the average rating, and any amount below 100 is less expensive than said average. Grand Island has a grocery index of around 90.4.
Climate, particularly air quality and moisture, can be a big influence in determining which location meets the needs of you or your loved one. On average, Grand Island has a humidity level of roughly 68%. The average humidity levels reach their peak in January at about 71%. Grand Island has a hot-summer humid continental type of climate. On average, the air quality index rating in Grand Island is about 25.2. The average air quality conditions are rated as good. The air quality index score is at its max in December at around 40.3. Monthly, Grand Island gets around 3 inches of precipitation. The most precipitation normally falls in May with an average of 6 inches in a month. For snowfall, Grand Island gets an average of 27.50 inches of snow. In the summer, the temperature in Grand Island is about 75F. The summer high peaks at approximately 91F during July. The lowest summer temperature is approximately 59F during the month of June. During winter months, the average temp in Grand Island sinks to about 28F. The high winter temperature is about 43F during the month of February. The lowest winter temperature will rise to approximately 14 F during the month of January.
In the previous presidential election, 65.3% voted Republican, 28.5% voted Democrat, and 6.2% voted for a third party candidate in Hall county. In terms of Christian denominations, out of the total population of Grand Island 21.2% practice Catholicism, 14.6% are Lutherans, and 9.9% are Methodists. In Grand Island, 39.5% are nonbelievers. In terms of non-Christian denominations in Grand Island, out of the total population 0.0% practice Judaism, 0.0% practice an Eastern religion, and 0.0% practice Islam. Out of the total city population, 49.8% are female and 50.2% are male. The median age of Grand Island is 35 years old. In Grand Island, 25.0% of the population are over the age of 55, 9.2% are over the age of 60, 5.1% are over the age of 70, and 4.2% are over the age of 80. The current population of Grand Island is growing at a rate of 0.004%. Grand Island has a population density of 667 people per square mile. Out of the total population of Grand Island, 14.7% do not have health insurance, 72.3% participate in the labor force, 15.0% live in poverty, and 6.4% are widowed. In terms of crime, Grand Island has 4.1 violent crimes per 1000 residents and 33.7 property crimes per 1000 residents. Demographically, Grand Island is 1.2% mixed race, 5.7% other or not specified, 1.4% Asian, 2.7% black, 0.6% Native American, 30.2% Hispanic, 88.1% white, and 0.3% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian. In Grand Island, 8.2% of the citizens are veterans. Grand Island is considered very unfriendly to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Of the population of Grand Island 18.8% have a college degree, 31.0% have a high-school diploma, and 5.8% have a graduate degree.
There are 93 general hospitals and 42 health centers that provide care for 1,941,032 Nebraska residents. The three highest ranked hospitals in Nebraska are Columbus Community Hospital, Chi Health Nebraska Heat, and Methodist Hospital. Based on natural beauty, Nebraska ranks 27th in the nation. The state of Nebraska has a cost of living index of 93.3 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. The state has a grocery index rating of 95.5 and a housing index rating of 80.9. The quality of life enjoyed by the average Nebraska citizen is ranked 9th nation-wide. Additionally, Nebraska is ranked 27th by healthcare standards.
In terms of religion, 39% of Nebraska residents attend religious services among the 2,860 different congregations that are available in the state. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-25%, Mainline Protestant-24%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%. In Nebraska there are 147 masonic lodges. The state of Nebraska ranks 26th in the country for diversity. The median age in the state is 37, and 28% of the population is over the age of 55. In the most recent presidential election, 59% of Nebraska residents voted Republican and 34% voted Democrat.
The average humidity across the state is 66%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 74% in the month of December. The average air quality index rating in Nebraska is 31.5 AQI. The average air quality index rating peaks in the month of August with a rating of around 40.9 AQI. The average temperature in the winter falls to around 72F. The average high winter temperature is around 47F in the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 6F during the month of January. During the summer, the average temperature in Nebraska is around 72F. The average high summer temperature is around 92F in the month of July. The average low summer temperature is around 49F in the month of June. The average monthly precipitation for the state of Nebraska is around 2.10 inches. The most precipitation occurs in May with an average of 5.31 inches of precipitation a month. While residents of Nebraska mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Nebraska can include tornadoes, floods, and earthquakes (high).
The state of Nebraska has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of snow trillium , wild rose, petunias, and goldenrod. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the pronghorn sheep, the sandhill cranes, the whooping cranes, or the monarch, grey hairstreak, and orange sulfur butterflies . The state animal of Nebraska is the the white-tailed deer.
Home Instead - Hastings, NE, Home Instead - Hastings, NE and Cornerstone Caregiving - Grand Island, NE are the top-rated home care agencies near Grand Island, Nebraska. See full list of agencies.
There are 11 home care agencies near Grand Island, Nebraska. See the full list.
Home care is provided by an aide who comes to a senior’s home to help with daily chores and activities of daily living. It can be offered anywhere a senior calls home — including a house, senior apartment, independent living, or assisted living. Learn more about home care.
Home care services are customizable to a senior’s unique needs. Services can include companionship, help with chores like cooking and housekeeping, or assistance with activities of daily living, like toileting and bathing. Explore home care services in more detail.
Home care provides nonmedical services for seniors who require assistance with daily tasks like housework, bathing, dressing, and transportation. In contrast, home health care is prescribed by a doctor and includes services like skilled nursing care and therapies, health monitoring, and medication administration that are provided by licensed medical professionals. Read more about home care vs. home health care.
The national median cost of home care is $30 per hour, according to A Place for Mom’s internal data. This cost may vary depending on the location and provided services.
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