Browse the 57 home care agencies in Bloomington, read 0 reviews of families’ experiences, and learn about available services to find the best home care options near you. Families in Bloomington choose home care for many reasons, including to reduce caregiver stress, curb senior loneliness, and make daily life easier for older adults. Most home care agencies in Bloomington personalize their services to your needs and provide them as frequently or infrequently as needed.
Types of care available in Bloomington, IL
Everyone was professional and helpful I would tell others just to keep in mind that they do have a minimum requirement for hours.
These numbers reflect "overall" experience; however, we had two exceptional caregivers, who went above & beyond our expectations, namely [name removed] & [name removed] Not only did they take good care of our mother physically, but they showed genuine interest in her overall wellbeing and were very supportive emotionally, making her feel "useful" despite her age & frailties. They are definite assets to Home Instead!
421 South Grand Ave W Ste 2BW, Springfield, IL 62704
Philosophy Home Bound Healthcare, Inc. subscribes to the concept of health defined by the World Health Organization: '... a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of...
3171 Greenhead Dr. Suite A, Springfield, IL 62711
3171 Greenhead Dr. Suite A, Springfield, IL 62711
206a W Anthony Dr, Champaign, IL 61822
7 Dunlap Ct, Savoy, IL 61874
1381 Beech Tree Rd, Charleston, IL 61920
1381 Beech Tree Rd, Charleston, IL 61920
Home care may be the right fit for seniors who want to age in place, but who would benefit from companionship, housekeeping, and help with some activities of daily living (ADLs). Home care is broad and personalized to each senior’s needs. In general, home caregivers may provide:
Home care offers a wide range of services that can be administered in in a home setting This type of care provides a number of services including tracheostomy care, housekeeping, and laundry. A majority of home care agencies review potential seniors before admission. This screening might include health problems, weight/nutritional status, and ADLs abilities. This care type can provide various medical services such as assisting residents in drinking fluid to swallow medication, assistance in removing medication from container for those residents with a physical disability, and aid in self-administration of medication. Additionally, services provided can comprise long-term nursing care and help with household chores. Assistive home care may also afford your family member assistance with diet choices and doing laundry. Finally, home care can provide your loved one with wellness services like assistance with ambulation and transfers from bed to wheelchair.
The top hospitals that service Bloomington include IU HEALTH BLOOMINGTON HOSPITAL, MONROE HOSPITAL, and BLOOMINGTON MEADOWS HOSPITAL. In total, there are 3 hospitals located in Bloomington which offer emergency services and other healthcare.
The sales tax in Bloomington is 7.00%. Monthly, the median price of rent in Bloomington is $1,088 per month and the median value of a house in Bloomington is $164,285. The rent burden for Bloomington is about 15.0% of the average person’s monthly income.
Climate, notably humidity and air quality, can be a significant influence in deciding which city is the right fit for your loved one. Monthly, Bloomington measures about 4 inches of precipitation. The most rain usually happens in June with an average of 6 inches during the month. Bloomington gets on average 17.20 inches of snow. The average air quality index rating in Bloomington is about 44.5. The average AQI conditions are rated as good. This means that there is no health advisory associated with the air quality for this destination. The air quality index rating reaches its maximum level in December at approximately 58.7. During this time, the average air quality conditions are rated moderate. This means that those who are unusually sensitive should consider limiting the amount of time spent on outdoor exertion. Bloomington has a humid subtropical type of climate. The average humidity rating for Bloomington is approximately 60%. Humidity ratings are highest in the month of December at about 66%. During the summer months, the air temperature in Bloomington is about 74F. The summer high temperature is at about 86F in July. The lowest summer temperature is approximately 62F during June. In the winter, the average air temperature in Bloomington sinks to about 33F. The winter high will rise to approximately 44F in the month of December. The low winter temperature gets to about 22 F during the month of January.
During the previous presidential election, 6.2% voted for a third party candidate, 35.2% voted Republican, and 58.5% voted Democrat in McLean county. Based on gender, 51.3% are female and 48.7% are male. The median age of Bloomington is 34 years old. In Bloomington, 15.2% of the population are over the age of 55, 9.2% are over the age of 60, 4.1% are over the age of 70, and 3.4% are over the age of 80. In terms of crime, Bloomington has 5.5 violent crimes per 1000 residents and 35.8 property crimes per 1000 residents. In terms of Christian denominations, out of the total population of Bloomington 11.1% practice another Christian faith, 7.9% practice Catholicism, and 4.1% are Methodists. In Bloomington, 68.9% are nonbelievers. In terms of non-Christian denominations in Bloomington, out of the total population 0.4% practice Judaism, 0.3% practice an Eastern religion, and 0.4% practice Islam. Of the population of Bloomington 24.0% have a high-school diploma, 16.9% have a graduate degree, and 47.7% have a college degree. In Bloomington, 7.0% of the people are veterans. Bloomington is considered very friendly to members of the LGBTQ+ community. Demographically, Bloomington is 77.5% white, 6.1% Hispanic, 7.9% Asian, 1.5% other or not specified, 0.2% Native American, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 10.7% black, and 2.3% mixed race. Out of the total population of Bloomington, 13.3% live in poverty, 69.2% participate in the labor force, 5.1% are widows, and 10.3% have some form of disability. Bloomington has a population density of 1,108 people per square mile. The current population of Bloomington is growing at a rate of 0.001%.
Illinois is ranked 35th in quality of life and 22nd in healthcare. There are 199 general hospitals and 383 health centers that provide care for 12,696,123 Illinois residents. Sherman Hospital, Sam Health St. Mary Hospital, ‘‚¬Centralia, and Midwestern Region Medical Center are among the top three highest ranked hospitals in the state. Out of a national average of 100, Illinois has a cost of living index rating of 96, a grocery index rating of 94, and a housing index rating of 87. The natural beauty of Illinois is ranked 43rd in the nation.
In terms of diversity, Illinois ranks 10th in the nation and is considered LGBTQ friendly. The median age in the state is 38, and 29% of the population is over the age of 55. In terms of religious values, 34% of Illinois’s population regularly attend some form of service and there are in total 12,453 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-20%, Mainline Protestant-16%, and Historically Black Protestant-7%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-2%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%. In Illinois there are 518 masonic lodges. During the latest presidential election, 39% voted for the Republican candidate while 56% voted for the Democratic candidate.
The average temperature in the winter falls to around 28F. During the winter, the average high temperature peaks at around 49F during the month of February. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 10F during the month of January. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 73F. Over the summer months the average high temperature peaks at around 91F during the month of July. The average low summer temperature is around 53F in the month of June. On average, Illinois has an air quality index rating of around 37.7 AQI. The highest seasonal air quality index rating occurs in the month of May with a rating of 54.5 AQI. The average monthly precipitation for the state of Illinois is around 3.33 inches. The average amount of precipitation peaks during the month of May at around 6.02 inches. On average, the humidity rating for Illinois is around 71%. Humidity levels tend to reach their peak in the month of December at around 78%. While residents of Illinois mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Illinois can include floods, earthquakes (moderate), and tornadoes.
The state of Illinois has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of angelica, black eyedSusan, viola pedata, and bloodroot. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the American black bear, the eastern red bat, the American pygmy shrew, or the big brown bat. The state animal of Illinois is the white-tailed deer.
Interim HealthCare of Peoria, IL, Home Instead - Champaign, IL and R Angell's Homecare Services LLC are the top-rated home care agencies near Bloomington, Illinois. See full list of agencies.
There are 57 home care agencies near Bloomington, Illinois. See the full list.
Home care is provided by an aide who comes to a senior’s home to help with daily chores and activities of daily living. It can be offered anywhere a senior calls home — including a house, senior apartment, independent living, or assisted living. Learn more about home care.
Home care services are customizable to a senior’s unique needs. Services can include companionship, help with chores like cooking and housekeeping, or assistance with activities of daily living, like toileting and bathing. Explore home care services in more detail.
Home care provides nonmedical services for seniors who require assistance with daily tasks like housework, bathing, dressing, and transportation. In contrast, home health care is prescribed by a doctor and includes services like skilled nursing care and therapies, health monitoring, and medication administration that are provided by licensed medical professionals. Read more about home care vs. home health care.
The national median cost of home care is $30 per hour, according to A Place for Mom’s internal data. This cost may vary depending on the location and provided services.
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