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Residential care homes in Windsor may appeal to seniors who value smaller, more close-knit communities and many opportunities for socialization. Windsor care homes typically take in fewer residents, meaning older adults know each resident in the home and develop strong friendships.
Older-adult care homes vary more than other options for senior living in Windsor, so families can choose from a wide range of prices, amenities, and services. A Place for Mom will work with you to understand the cost of care homes. From there, we’ll help you find the right fit, whether you’re staying on a budget or searching for luxury retirement communities.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa or Shiloh.
Types of care available in Windsor, CA
Residential Care Home
Considering Silva Board and Care? Our family knows it can be a difficult decision, so please, look no further.?? A rigorous Sonoma County search for the best residential senior community brought us here. Our parents gladly chose to live their lives here, together, at Silva. It was an easy decision. All of “the boxes” were checked, including; attentive care staff, medical and personal needs, cleanliness, dining and meals, and a loving family environment that demonstrates a real respect for the life and love for each and every one of their residents. Silva Board and Care is the Best!
My mom loves this community, the owners are amazing. the community is right next to a park so we get to spend time outside. They are accommodating and I would highly recommend this community.
Newly remodeled and awake night staff now. Love their activity program as well. Wander guard for doors and new walk in/ wheeled in showers.
1920 Grosse Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
1301 Rivera Ct, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
939 Baird Rd 707-537-0108, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
939 Baird Rd 707-537-0108, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
1411 Calistoga Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
5220 Lockwood Circle, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Rincon Valley Gardens 1 is located in picturesque Santa Rosa, California in Sonoma County. Our lovely community is situated in close proximity to the very attractive Rincon Valley Park. Santa Rosa is a vibrant city just 55 miles north of San Francisco. The area offers an eclectic mix of redwood...
1018 Sunset Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
The Sunset Garden is a residential care home located in picturesque Santa Rosa, California in Sonoma County. Located just an hours drive north of San Francisco, the city of Santa Rosa offers many exciting recreational activities as well as historic landmarks and parks. Santa Rosa is the home of...
1018 Sunset Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
515 Middle Rincon Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
515 Middle Rincon Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
515 Middle Rincon Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
4760 Granada Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
We have a six bed facility that will accommodate singles or couples for long term non-medical care. There is a very large backyard with a path for walking. And several fruit trees to eat from. There is a drive through driveway and plenty of parking, and lots of room for visiting.
597 Grandberg Ct, Santa Rosa, CA 95407
5039 Parkhurst Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
5039 Parkhurst Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
5244 Beaumont Way, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Our favorite by far! Loved the smell of home-cooked meals, beautiful scenery and friendly people!
Deer Creek Manor is a twenty-four hour residential care facility, located in Piedmont Heights of Santa Rosa. The Piedmont Heights neighborhood is known for its safety and beauty. We have a beautiful one-story facility, situated near several hospitals, doctors offices and shopping centers. Our...
604 Live Oak Ave, Sebastopol, CA 95472
405 Boas Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
10 Creekview Ct, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Wonderful owners, care providers I met seemed very caring. Master suite with private bath; a large studio apartment sized room.
2242 Vallejo Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Through "A Place for Mom" my family and I found this perfect home for my mom. There are only six residents and all get excellent care and seem very happy to be where they are. I'm there very often and see...
Emmanuel Home is a residential care home located in the picturesque city of Santa Rosa, in Sonoma County, California. Our beautiful city has so much to offer residents and their family members, we feature the best of California's natural landscape and mountainous regions. We also have amazing...
476 Eileen Dr, Sebastopol, CA 95472
218 North High St, Sebastopol, CA 95472
I can't say thank you enough you have given me such peace of mind knowing my mom is in a place where she is being well taken care of and safe. The staff is gentle with her and compassionate. The community...
Las Palmas of Sebastopol has served the population of Sebastopol for 12 years. Our staff has history of serving California communities for well over 20 years. Las Palmas is a fully renovated 1906 house, located half a block from the Sebastopol Senior Center, Library and the cultural center of...
407 Calistoga Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Welcome to Serenity Board and Care!!! Let your retirement experience be a memorable one. Spend it with us at Serenity Board and Care. Set in Santa Rosa, California in a beautiful home, you too will find a home that you can call your own. You become part of our family the moment you walk into our...
1000 Gordon Ln, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
1120 Gordon Ln, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
The average cost of senior living in Windsor is 3,921 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Timber Cove, CA with an average of 2,771 per month.
Planning ahead can better position you to make good choices for your loved one’s care in the future. But if your aging family member needs care now, there are ways to finance the cost of long-term care through a combination of approaches.
Residential care homes are houses in residential neighborhoods that are equipped, adapted, and staffed to care for a small number of residents, usually between two and 10. Like assisted living communities, staff at care homes typically help residents with activities of daily living, including bathing, dressing, and medication management. Although residential care homes vary significantly depending on the community, services usually include:
A care home provides a communal setting for seniors who are who do not require skilled nursing services. Services offered can include food service, laundry services, and transit. This type of community is similar to a single-family home. In California, the annual median cost for an assisted living community is around $54,000. The state of California has a number of provisions related to this kind of community. The Department of Social Services and Community Care Licensing Division regulates this type of community.
Cost of living can be a big influence when determining which care choice is the best fit for your family. The rent burden for Windsor is around 22.1% of the average person’s monthly income. The median monthly cost for rent in Windsor is around $1,963 and the median value for a home for Windsor is about $501,947.
Demographically, Windsor is 0.9% Native American, 5.3% mixed race, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 3.5% Asian, 14.8% other or not specified, 74.9% white, 31.7% Hispanic, and 0.5% black. Out of the total population of Windsor, 4.2% live in poverty, 5.3% consider themselves widows, 68.2% participate in the labor force, and 10.4% have some form of disability. Windsor has a population density of 1,463 people per square mile. The current population of Windsor consists of 27,548 people. In terms of education, 9.6% have a graduate degree, 20.5% have a high-school diploma, and 29.6% have a college degree. Out of the total city population, 50.8% are male and 49.2% are female. The median age of Windsor is 41 years old. In Windsor, 7.2% of the citizens are veterans of the United States military.
Overall, California ranks 19th in quality of life and 7th in healthcare compared to other US states. In terms of resources, California has a cost of living index of 138.7, a grocery index rating of 121.4, and a housing index rating of 227.3. These index ratings are based on a system where 100 is considered the national average and anything above 100 is considered more expensive than said average. The natural beauty of California is ranked 5th in the nation. In total, California has 391 general hospitals and 1,108 health centers that provide care for 39,715,372 citizens. The top three hospitals in the state are considered to be Mills-peninsula Medical Center, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, and And Santa Monica ¢UCLA Medical Center and Orthopedic Hospital.
During the latest presidential election, 32% voted for the Republican candidate while 62% voted for the Democratic candidate. In California, 31% of the population attend some form of religious service and there are 23,558 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-20%, Mainline Protestant-10%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-2%, Buddhist-2%, and Hindu-2%. In California there are 395 masonic lodges. The state of California ranks 1st in the country for diversity and the state is considered very LGBTQ friendly. The median age in the state is 37, and 26% of the population is over the age of 55.
The most precipitation occurs in December with an average of 16.26 inches of precipitation a month. On average, the state receives 2.04 inches of precipitation a month. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 71F. The average high summer temperature is around 116F in the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 34F during the month of June. The average temperature in the winter falls to around 47F. The average high winter temperature is around 76F in the month of February. The average low temperature during the winter drops to around 8F in the month of January. The average air quality index rating in California is 57.1 AQI. The average air quality index rating peaks in the month of August with a rating of around 83.0 AQI. On average, the humidity rating for California is around 61%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 81% in the month of July. While residents of California mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in California can include earthquakes (high), floods, and and tornadoes.
The state of California has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of redwood, chamise, California juniper, and sequoia. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the black bears, the whales, the snakes, or the cougars. The state animal of California is the California grizzly bear.
Linda Falls Guest Home I, Silva Board and Care and Grace Homes are the top-rated care homes near Windsor, California. See full list of communities.
There are 77 care homes near Windsor, California. See the full list.
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