Who are you searching for?
If you’re an active, independent older adult looking for senior housing in Abilene, senior citizen apartments in Abilene might be the right fit. Apartments for seniors typically don’t include personal care services, but may offer amenities, activities, and maintenance for a stress-free, social lifestyle.
A Place for Mom can help older adults navigate how to apply for senior housing in Abilene and consider their options. With 11 senior rentals in Abilene, KS, we can help you find the right apartment for your budget and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for upscale Abilene 55-plus apartments or low-income senior apartments for rent in Abilene, A Place for Mom can simplify your search.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Chapman, Chapman or Enterprise.
Types of care available in Abilene, KS
Senior Apartments
I chose Garden Grove because of the good reviews that it got when looked and also I like the way that it is laid out. The apartment sizes are very good and I am happy with that. They do not provide meals but meals on wheels does come through. The did just recently open up the community room and they have an exercise room as well. Maintenance has been on top of it and always here quickly for any issues. The manager here is friendly but the lady over her is not the most pleasant to work with. I would recommend them to others looking.
[Name removed] and all of the staff at Abilene Place were a blessing during mom's final days. We could not have hoped for a better spot for her. We live in Abilene and have visited Abilene Place on Halloween and other holidays and were always impressed. The residents seemed happy and the staff attentive and professional. We were lucky enough to be able to get mom into Abilene Place when we moved her close to us and would definitely make the same choice again.
They did a really good job at explaining everything to us and the process and such. They obviously care about the residents that they are taking care of. I do not think I have any recommendations on anything they can improve on.
1100 North Vine Street, Abilene, KS 67410
My father resides within this community & I can say firsthand that this place is staffed by wonderful caring people. They have a monthly family night where family members of the residents are invited to a...
Homestead of Abilene is an assisted living community in Abilene, Kansas. Abilene is a historic town a short drive from Wichita and Kansas City. Our town boasts five world-class museums, historic mansions, a vintage train through the Smoky River Hill Valley, a professional theater and a strong...
1022 South Caroline Avenue, Junction City, KS 66441
I have been very satisfied with Brookdale. The staff made my mom's transition to assisted living very smooth. They were very helpful in making my mom feel at home. The staff is always pleasant and happy to...
Putting More Life Back Into Senior LivingOur residents enjoy a more relaxed senior living lifestyle, with less stress and more options for living life well. And they do it in a luxurious community that feels just like home sweet home, trading the stress and hassle that comes from living life at...
1200 East Kirwin Avenue, Salina, KS 67401
Brookdale was great to work with. Stable staff that was great with the residents. It is definitely assisted living and can meet some nursing needs. I would probably not look at it as a nursing facility.
Exceptional Senior LivingYour senior living years shouldn’t be spent cooped up inside, filled with chores, cleaning, and home maintenance. They should be filled with interesting things to do and interesting people to do them with. That’s what you’ll find at our retirement community, which offers...
1119 Garden Way, Manhattan, KS 66502
Our first impression was great, the person helping us showed genuine care and were extremely helpful. Based on the experience so far we would absolutely recommend them to others
Garden Grove Senior Apartments feature studio and one-bedroom apartments that blend quality, service, and affordability within a caring senior community. Best of all, we offer a sliding rent scale - based on income - so qualified residents do not pay more than 30% of their income for rent and...
5428 Ledge Stone Dr, #100, Manhattan, KS 66502
Birchwood Villas is independent living at it's finest. My Mom loves it here where she is getting to know her neighbors who are absolutely awesome and she is settling in nicely. My Mom enjoys cooking her own...
Affordable Living for Seniors 55 plus! Birchwood Villas...designed for active Senior adultsAll new community features— Full-size Washer and Dryer in every apartment! Refrigerators with Icemaker! Self-cleaning ovens! Built-in microwaves! Dishwashers and disposals! Spacious Bedrooms! Exceptional...
510 NW 2nd Street, Abilene, KS 67410
We provide maintenance free living for seniors in one bedroom apartments in a safe, quiet neighborhood in Abilene, Kansas.
500 NW 2nd Street, Abilene, KS 67410
We provide maintenance free living for seniors in one bedroom apartments in a safe, quiet neighborhood in Abilene, Kansas.
500 NW 2nd Street, Abilene, KS 67410
We provide maintenance free living for seniors in one bedroom apartments in a safe, quiet neighborhood in Abilene, Kansas.
409 west barton, Lendardville, KS 66449
409 west barton, Lendardville, KS 66449
1442 Garden Lane, McPherson, KS 67460
Call Northgate Manor today for Affordable Senior Living!At Northgate Manor we know your independence is important to you, yet it is comforting to know our professional, friendly staff is available to take care of the maintenance and service requests you may have. That is why our residents enjoy...
The average cost of senior living in Abilene is 2,391 per month. Cheaper nearby regions include Herington, KS with an average of 1,264 per month.
Planning ahead can better position you to make good choices for your loved one’s care in the future. But if your aging family member needs care now, there are ways to finance the cost of long-term care through a combination of approaches.
Senior apartments offer a no-frills housing option for active and independent seniors. Units are often designed with senior-friendly features for accessibility, such as elevators and wide doorways. In general, senior apartments don’t provide health care services or daily assistance. Many senior apartments include:
The total cost of care for a community is determined by the neighborhood in which it is located. The rent burden for Abilene is about 18.5% of the average person’s monthly income. The median home value in Abilene is $114,628 and the median rent is around $909 a month.
Demographically, Abilene is 0.7% black, 0.4% other or not specified, 1.5% mixed race, 0.9% Native American, 0.0% Asian, 96.4% white, 3.8% Hispanic, and 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian. In Abilene, 13.0% of the population are veterans of the United States military. In Abilene, 9.9% are widowed, 17.5% have some form of disability, 5.2% do not have health insurance, and 11.5% live in poverty. Out of the total city population, 49.8% are male and 50.2% are female. The median age of Abilene is 41 years old. Abilene has a population density of 517 people per square mile. In terms of education, 32.8% have a high-school diploma, 24.0% have a college degree, and 6.9% have a graduate degree.
Overall, Kansas ranks 22nd in quality of life and 33rd in healthcare compared to other US states. In total, Kansas has 144 general hospitals and 75 health centers that provide care for 2,912,321 citizens. The top three hospitals in the state are considered to be University Of Kansas Hospital, Newton Medical Center, and Providence Medical Center. The state of Kansas has a cost of living index of 89.7 where a score of 100 is the national average, and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. The state has a grocery index rating of 91.9 and a housing index rating of 73.8. Based on natural beauty, Kansas ranks 8th in the nation.
The median age in the state is 37, and 29% of the population is over the age of 55. The state of Kansas ranks 25th in the country for diversity, and the state is considered LGBTQ friendly. In the last presidential election 36% of Kansas residents voted Democrat and 57% voted Republican. In Kansas, 37% of the population attend some form of religious service and there are 4,782 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-31%, Mainline Protestant-24%, and Historically Black Protestant-2%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%. In Kansas there are 279 masonic lodges.
The average amount of precipitation peaks during the month of May at around 6.73 inches. On average, the state receives 2.55 inches of precipitation a month. The average air quality index rating in Kansas is 36.0 AQI. The average air quality index rating peaks in the month of July with a rating of around 46.4 AQI. The average temperature in the winter falls to around 32F. During the winter, the average high temperature peaks at around 53F during the month of February. The average low temperature during the winter drops to around 12F in the month of January. During the summer, the average temperature in Kansas is around 76F. The average high summer temperature is around 95F in the month of July. The average low summer temperature is around 54F in the month of June. On average, the humidity rating for Kansas is around 66%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 72% in the month of December. While residents of Kansas mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Kansas can include tornadoes, floods, and and earthquakes (high).
The state of Kansas has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of sycamore, pawpaw, bur oak, and sugarberry. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the prairie dog, the skink, the woodchuck, or the muskrat. The state animal of Kansas is the American buffalo.
Garden Grove Apartments, Birchwood Villas and Abilene Plaza Two L.P. are the top-rated senior apartments near Abilene, Kansas. See full list of communities.
There are 11 senior apartments near Abilene, Kansas. See the full list.
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