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If you’re considering moving your loved one into a Dushore nursing home, our senior living advisors can help. The term “nursing home” is often used interchangeably with assisted living or other senior housing options; but a nursing home is a skilled nursing facility for individuals with serious, debilitating short- or long-term health issues. So even the best nursing homes in Dushore, PA may not be right for seniors who don’t require round-the-clock care.
We can help you determine if a skilled nursing facility in Dushore or another care type is right for you. Browse 16 senior living options near you to see the variety available, or contact us to learn more about elderly homes in Dushore.
You may also consider nearby communities such as Cherry, Cherry or Satterfield.
Types of care available in Dushore, PA
935 Star Hill Rd, Harveys Lake, PA 18618
My dad is doing ok since moving into Star Hill. The community is one of the cleanest I have seen in the area. The staff are friendly and help my dad with whatever he needs. They offer some activities. Dad...
Star Hill Rest Home is a senior living community located in Harvey's Lake, PA, in Lucerne County. Harvey's Lake is a waterfront borough community with a population of about 2,700 people. Residents will be able to enjoy the beautiful landscape when they take their walks and daily exercise, and can...
Main St, Laporte, PA 18626
202 Front St, Wyalusing, PA 18853
601 Sugar Hollow Road, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
1 Hospital Dr, Towanda, PA 18848
1 Hospital Dr, Towanda, PA 18848
5848 Main Road Hunlock Creek, Sweet Valley, PA 18621
Fern Wood ManorFern Wood Manor is a senior living community located in Sweet Valley, PA, in Luzerne County, which is considered an unincorporated community. In this small town, residents who enjoy getting out for nature walks and getting in their daily exercise. They can also do their shopping...
State Route 4003 Noble Rd, Ulster, PA 18850
State Route 4003 Noble Rd, Ulster, PA 18850
30 Virginia Drive, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
Have you suddenly found yourself looking for a nursing home? We know it isn't an easy task. There is so much information to learn and so many decisions to make. Whatever your specific needs, our goal is to provide compassionate care in a clean, comfortable setting where you will feel at home. We...
1100 Cowley Rd, Granville Summit, PA 16926
1100 Cowley Rd, Granville Summit, PA 16926
50 W Tioga St, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
50 W Tioga St, Tunkhannock, PA 18657
3995 Route 414, Canton, PA 17724
3995 Route 414, Canton, PA 17724
Nursing homes, also called skilled nursing facilities, provide long-term care for seniors with significant physical or mental health conditions, and short-term care to people recovering from an injury or hospital stay. Nursing homes provide personal assistance and medical care from licensed professionals. Services in skilled nursing facilities often include:
A nursing home provides lodging to at least two persons who have no personal relation to the administrator. This type of facility provides its residents with around-the-clock care administered by registered nurses. These nurses offer healthcare services for those who are unable to properly take care of their own needs because of the effects of aging.
Nursing homes are a convenient and easy living alternative for individuals 65 years or older, however nursing homes will frequently persons 55 and above (a rarity in theworldof senior care).Often times seniors may select to live in a nursing home due to a physical or mental disability that makes it difficult for them to accomplish their lifestyle goals. There are some services that may come at a cost to residents which can include a private room, unless medically needed, cosmetic and grooming items, and flowers and plants. A significant amount of inhabitants tend to be single women with less social support, and about 50% of nursing home residents are over 85 years old. The most common mental disease experienced by residents of nursing homes is dementia, which can cloud their decision making capabilities, memory function, and and their sense of familiarity with their surroundings. Nursing homes are required to provide medically-related social services, a professionallly directed program of activities, nursing and related services, and routine personal hygiene items to residents.
The location where a senior care community is based might have a big influence on the price of care. Cost of living is a motivating factor when selecting which care option is best for your loved one’s needs. The rent burden for Dushore is about 12.0% of the average person’s monthly income. Per month, the median rent in Dushore is around $491 per month and the median value of a home in Dushore costs around $123,440.
In Dushore, 13.4% of the citizens are veterans of the United States military. Dushore has a population density of 277 people per square mile. The total population of Dushore consists of 566 people. Out of the total city population, 48.9% are female and 51.1% are male. The median age of Dushore is 54 years old. Of the population of Dushore 16.8% have a college degree, 6.1% have a graduate degree, and 49.4% have a high-school diploma. Racially, the population of Dushore is 0.0% Native American, 0.6% Asian, 99.0% white, 0.0% Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian, 0.0% black, 0.0% mixed race, 0.4% other or not specified, and 0.3% Hispanic. In Dushore, 16.7% live in poverty, 8.9% consider themselves widows, 54.4% participate in the labor force, and 8.8% do not have health insurance.
In terms of resources, Pennsylvania has a cost of living index of 98.6, a grocery index rating of 106.9, and a housing index rating of 100.8. These index ratings are based on a system where 100 is considered the national average and anything below 100 is considered less expensive than the national average. Based on natural beauty, Pennsylvania ranks 38th in the nation. In total, Pennsylvania has 201 general hospitals and 273 health centers that provide care for 12,823,695 citizens. Reading Hospital, Lancaster General Hospital, and And Main Line Hospital Bryn Mawr Campus are among the top three highest ranked hospitals in the state. The quality of life enjoyed by the average Pennsylvania citizen is ranked 41st nation-wide. Additionally, Pennsylvania is ranked 21st by healthcare standards.
Thirty-four percent of Pennsylvania residents regularly attend a religious service from one of the state’s 15,359 different congregations. The top three Christian denominations in the state are Evangelical Protestant-19%, Mainline Protestant-23%, and Historically Black Protestant-5%. The top three non-Christian denominations in the state are Jewish-<1%, Muslim-<1%, and Buddhist-<1%. In Pennsylvania there are 535 masonic lodges. In terms of diversity, Pennsylvania ranks 29th in the nation and is considered LGBTQ friendly. In the most recent presidential election, 48% of Pennsylvania residents voted Republican and 47% voted Democrat. The median age in the state is 41, and 32% of the population is over the age of 55.
The average air quality index rating in Pennsylvania is 39.9 AQI. The highest seasonal air quality index rating occurs in the month of May with a rating of 49.0 AQI. Pennsylvania experiences an average humidity rating of about 70%. The highest monthly average humidity rating is 75% in the month of January. During the winter, the average temperature in Pennsylvania drops to around 29F. The average high winter temperature is around 45F in the month of December. In the winter months, the average low temperature falls to around 11F during the month of January. The average temperature in the summer rises to around 69F. Over the summer months the average high temperature peaks at around 89F during the month of July. In the summer, the average low temperature drops to around 47F during the month of June. The average monthly precipitation for the state of Pennsylvania is around 3.64 inches. The average amount of precipitation peaks during the month of July at around 6.38 inches. While residents of Pennsylvania mostly enjoy pleasant conditions, it’s important to be aware of inclement weather as well, which in Pennsylvania can include floods, tornadoes, and and hurricanes.
The state of Pennsylvania has a diverse array of plant and animal life. Local plant life can consist of poplar, maple, mountain laurel (the state flower), and walnut. While venturing throughout the state, you might see animals such as the red and gray foxes, the white-tailed deer, the black bears, or the bobcats. The state animal of Pennsylvania is the the white-tailed deer.
The Gardens of Green Ridge, Bridgewater Center for Rehabilitation & Nursi and Serenity Care Kingston are the top-rated nursing homes near Dushore, Pennsylvania. See full list of communities.
There are 16 nursing homes near Dushore, Pennsylvania. See the full list.
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