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The decision to place mom In ALF, was difficult. Lots of stress and tears. I did a ton of research, toured and interviewed 8 different ALF's. I knew it was the one the minute I walked in. The entire staff is kind and sweet, when I'm there and more importantly when I'm not. Mom Is thriving! Eating 3 meals, tons of activities,made friends. I feel blessed to have found this place. Worth every sent!... Read more
Total monthly costs depend on room type, select services, and the level of care needed.
*Prices quoted are monthly rental charges and are provided by the communities themselves. Actual prices may differ due to one-time fees, timing and care services required. Speak with your Senior Living Advisor to learn more.
Review Score
Review Score
4 reviews9.0
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A Place for Mom has scored Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda with 9 out of 10 using our proprietary review score based on 4 reviews in the last 2 years. Over all time, Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda has 4 reviews with an average "overall experience" of 4.8 out of 5.
The decision to place mom In ALF, was difficult. Lots of stress and tears. I did a ton of research, toured and interviewed 8 different ALF's. I knew it was the one the minute I walked in. The entire staff is kind and sweet, when I'm there and more importantly when I'm not. Mom Is thriving! Eating 3 meals, tons of activities,made friends. I feel blessed to have found this place. Worth every sent!
When it comes to the value for cost I don't know how to rate, I feel they are all robbing the elderly if I am being honest. However, Hampton Manor is by far the nicest in charlotte county... I looked at 10 different places
No data collected
They offer a lot especially to assisted living. Memory care is hard on everyone.
This is a new company running it and they are definitely on the right track.They're not there yet, but they take constructive criticisome to heart and really strive to be the bes.t
See what the neighborhood has to offer and what’s nearby:
Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda offers Studio, 1 Bedroom and 2 Bedrooms. Learn more.
A Place for Mom has scored Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda 9 out of 10 using our proprietary review score.
We assign review scores to give a more reliable view into senior living communities and home care agencies. Our review scores prioritize reviews that are recent — the past 24 months — because we know families need current information when choosing senior care.
Those with many recent, positive reviews receive a high review score, while providers with few recent reviews — regardless of how positive — receive a lower review score. Communities with no recent reviews will not have a review score, even if older reviews are positive. The maximum A Place for Mom review score a community can receive is 10 points.
Call (941) 621-9898 to reach a resident at Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda.
To reach a resident at Hampton Manor of Punta Gorda call: (941) 621-9898
The features and amenities that are displayed on this page contain marketing information provided by the community. A Place for Mom has not confirmed the completeness of the provided information, and cannot guarantee its accuracy.
To conduct a complete investigation, seniors and their families should:
If you become aware of any information that should be updated or noted, please contact A Place for Mom.
A Place for Mom uses the term “assisted living” to indicate that the community provides some level of assistance with daily living activities. It does not indicate that the facility meets official state requirements for level of care.